Frequently the selection of wall art is treated as an afterthought. This can be perceived as an error, as your wall art defines the overall personality of a room; it both says and conveys a clear message to any viewer. Therefore it must be appropriate and specific. We have different categories for wall art:
Different Types of Wall Art
- Fine Art Photography
- Family groupings or portraiture
- Doodles illustrations
- Geometrics Art (Images rely on shapes)
- Abstract wall Art (line, form, tone, texture, color, etc)
- Modern wall Art (Emphasizes an artist’s vision, while rejecting traditional artistic values)
Fine Art Photography - Wall Art

You can experience reduced stress and anxiety, tranquillity, and feelings of contentment from viewing animal pictures and nature. Wildlife wall art for instance is capable of expressing so many emotions: excitement, tranquility, fun, and love are but a few. Also, photography being both factual and realistic often is more engaging for the viewer than other subjects. Motion usually expresses energy.
There are hundreds of selections: paintings, fine art photography, ceramics etc. What will you choose from when deciding on wall art? It is probably best to narrow it down to what you prefer and feel what you really want to live with on a daily basis.
We will investigate photography as one major category to give you an idea on how to decide on a single preference for your home. This choice allows us endless possibilities. Should the photographs be of art, family members, vacations, hobbies, favorite activities, nature or wildlife to mention a few? Any of these will create a particular mood and feeling for any space..
In fact, with all the visual arts, nature and wildlife subjects have always been one of the most favored. For centuries artists have chosen to create beautiful representations of nature for their works.
Family groupings or portraiture Picture

Family groupings and portraits are the very first photographs ever taken. When the camera first appeared in the early 1800’s it was marveled at, but quite primitive according to today’s standards. People were used to seeing paintings, and they were astounded by photographs. It is readily understandable as the populace was used to seeing portraits for centuries. Families who could afford it had portraits of themselves painted.
This custom was immediately transferred to photography from a camera. People could not have ever imagined how realistically and with such detail that their image could be captured. So,as camera shops appeared everyone wanted their individual portrait photo taken.
This led to family portraits being taken In the latter 1800’s Queen Victoria had her first family photograph taken. It was printed in local newspapers, and for the first time her countrymen got to see the entire royal family together. Even today this concept of the family portrait remains and is commonplace in all societies.
Today for certain families this concept is often used in a particular form of family groupings from various periods in a family’s lives. An example of this is perfect for a long hallway or on a specific wall.This grouping of photos will often start off with the parents wedding picture, followed by baby pictures of each child, and then various photos of important family events and celebrations.
Doodles Pictures or Illustrations - Wall Art

Mr. Doodle who is also known as the Doodleman is an artist illustrator famous for his work that has attracted worldwide recognition. He admits that he has always drawn compulsively in his unique style of mixing various cartoon figures into one mixed statement. They may appear as a drawing, or a fully illustrated room (on the walls, floor, doors and ceiling). He also has his drawings on fabric made into clothing, which he wears daily.
What is interesting is that his studies were at The University of West London and it is there that his unique style of drawing was first noted. His first exhibition was in 2016; the artist refers to his work as squiggly drawings.
He was an instant success and gained an Instagram and Facebook following of one million.
The artist claims that his intention is to create a visual international language. His artwork has been commissioned by Fendi, Puma and Samsung as well as other international corporations.
The nature of his style is that it can be considered appropriate for any space that wants to be considered exclusive. His work has started a whole new movement in visual art.
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Geometrics Wall Art

The Geometric movement began in the late 1800”s and is seen in some of the works by the famous French artists Cezanne and Seraut. The usage of geometric shapes in their paintings is not specifically noticeable. However some of their paintings are mathematically calculated and this is believed to be the initiator of the Geometric Art Movement.
Circles, squares, triangles and rectangles are just a few from the world of shapes that can be employed for geometric compositions. You may use a geometric shape as your subject matter or decide on a frame for the photograph that is a geometric shape.
A geometric theme might be a good choice for a hallway, den, or bathroom because it gives a definite sense of structure to any space. It may also be a good choice for a kitchen or laundry room.
Aside from shapes, color is the most important element in Geometric Art. Black is often used when defining the different sections of the painting. Mondrian is one of the most well known artists from this movement.
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Abstract Wall Art

The Abstract Art category focus is on the elements of design (line, form, tone color and texture, etc.)
When we decide that we want complete originality for our wall decor presence, Abstract Art is a good choice. Selection of Abstract Art can lead us into a world of “anything goes.” If your intention is to make a viewer think you can then select any type of subject matter. You may select a photo of a bridge upside down or a scene from the cosmos.
Abstract Art has no limits. It will define your space with originality and make all who enter think even if they don’t want to. Its intention is to provoke thinking on the part of the viewer.
When this movement came into being most of the general public was outraged because they were visually used to classic realistic art. In fact to this day there are many who dispute the fact that Abstract Art is art.
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Modern Wall Art

The Modern Art movement appears in the later 1800”s and is defined by ignoring all traditional values. Here we focus solely on the artist and their particular vision. When we are familiar with a specific artist’s work that we love, Modern Art is the choice for us. Having total faith in an artist should bring originality to the look of your space. This category is often chosen for a theme which is to be employed throughout the entire home.
The artist’s signature is on view everywhere. You may select the work of a particular designer or photographer and have it on display in any or every space in your home.
Of course when Modern Art is your choice you can be sure that your space will be totally original and represent the feeling and overall taste of the individual artist.
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If we summarize the article the visual arts, nature and wildlife subjects and types of art have always been one of the most favored wall decor for for centuries. Artists have chosen to create beautiful black and white wall art of nature in their works. People feel relax and peace by owing these these types of wall art. Mostly the European and Asian artist always brings the elements of nature in their art.
So it comes as no surprise since the discovery of photography, wildlife and nature are favorite themes. “A picture is worth one thousand words” still is true even today because fine art photography of these subjects are used in some of the most prestigious locations in our modern world.
What you think which types of art you like the most and why?